-shows which personal and innate preferences are matched in the interior design.

Your Preferences

You are at your best when you are happy. You are happy and secure when you are loved as who you were born to be. You have a DNA that, in an extended sense, promotes your mood when you are present in environments that exhibit certain characteristics over others.

Similarly, in your upbringing you have learned ways to act in accordance with your feelings, thoughts, actions and habits.

It’s you – as you typically are. Perhaps you are not always aware of it yourself. But your architect or interior design professional advisor must be. Because your interior design must match you – and then the environment that is close to you sometimes must be remedied so that it will suit you, to support you.

The interior in your immediate environment is what surrounds you inside, where you stay for longer periods. It starts with what you see out of the windows, it continues with what comes in through the windows and doors: which light, what type of wind and temperature, and how does the environment create the atmosphere in your room and how is the incoming impact distributed among the colors, materials, and objects in your immediate surroundings.

Your Interior

The house is penetrated in all directions by doors and windows. The elements rush in through them. And these are elements with different characteristics, depending on which geographical direction they come from and depending on which other constructions are found in the immediate vicinity of your hous

You are Invited

When you get this knowledge implemented by your architect or interior designer, it is your invitation to an easier life. An existence where your well-being is supported by a close environment that supports your preferences despite unpleasant weather, social, or physical challenges.

Interior designing with the elements you have preferences for is not a ‘sleeping pillow’ or a ‘magic wand’. These are energies that create a framework for you to act in your life in a vital way.

Your ‘invitation’, your interior, consists of a deliberately composed composition that can move the energy present in different ways. Your architect or interior designer composes your ‘work of art’, the interior you live in, with an energy that moves in support of exactly your preferences.

The Five Elements

An element is a moving force. It is vibrations of a specific quality that pulsate. Each element symbolizes a specific manifestation of yin and yang. All the phenomena of nature are an expression of eternal principles in the universe, and thus also of the connection you experience with your immediate environment, when it is consciously designed with colors, materials and objects.

Yin and yang must be in harmony in the environment you stay in for a long time. The five elements are each born of both yin and yang. When interior designing with colors, materials, and objects in your place of residence or work, your interior design strengthens the best side of your personality. Colors, materials, and objects represent the five elements, of which you have yours and the environment has its. Sometimes your architect or interior design professional must remediate the characteristics of the elements in your immediate surroundings to create the framework for a life of well-being for you.

The Interior Design Barometer

The circle with the five colors (incl. white) represents the basic five characteristics, of which you yourself have preferences for 1-2 of these and of which you are influenced by all 5. This creates conflicts between some elemental representations. If, e.g., you have a way of living and acting characterized by the ‘earth’ element, then you will not mind being controlled and confined by the ‘wood’ element. And likewise; if you act in the world based on ‘wooden’ characteristics, you will not be dominated and belittled by the ‘metal’ elements in your immediate environment.

The circle is used with a marker to briefly indicate the dominant characteristics in a given environment.


Let’s say you are characterized by preferences within the water element, but the immediate environment around you is characterized by the earth element: it can be low horizontal benches with checkered covers. It can be large clay vessels, or matte floor tiles in earthy colors. As a person with preferences for the ‘water’ element, you will feel dominated by the heavy earth. As you stay longer in the very environment characterized by earthy colors, textile surfaces, and heavy flat objects, you will be frustrated by the stopping of your activities, by false kindness, superficiality and perhaps that you are limited by norms. Therefore, in such a case, your architect or interior design professional must remediate your surroundings so that they suit your preferences. You can, for example, do with light colors and metal ornaments, in this case.

If you have preferences for an outgoing, social lifestyle, a very active lifestyle with lots of sports, a life where you work very actively to accumulate and activate the energy you have or typically prefer a job with sales, events, or having showrooms to ‘glow’, then you are typically well within what is characterized the ‘fire’ element. Your ‘fire’ preferences must have something to burn – they must have wood. The ‘wood’ element kick-starts a growth process with renewal and change. In addition, the wood element provides strength, courage, flexibility, and gains – also financial.

 Typically, several people live or work under the same roof. Typically, the different members do not all stay for the same amount of time in the different rooms. – And typically the individual people do not have the same preferences. Therefore, some users of the site need to be supported more specifically in defined areas. In this case, a stable and inclusive person with preferences in the earth element is supported by furnishing characterized by brown leather furniture, lots of electric light, cowhide leather and a fireplace. 

Holographic Perception of Your Environment

“What happens inside the body is the same as what happens outside in nature. Laws of the external world are identical with the internal laws of the body” – Chinese proverb

Using the five elements in interior design, your architect or interior design professional match your immediate environment with your characteristica. It’s about you experiencing that your existence makes sense – and it does so by using your natural preferences.

Your experience is concretely adapted to the rhythm of nature so that you can live in well-being with the building and breaking forces in your immediate environment.

For our use, it is about the built environment, its geography, the individual person and your preferences, as well as our shared culture and how both create the society we want to live in – about the interrelationships and development patterns of all things.

If you take a crystal, a small part of the crystal has the same structure as the whole crystal. The principle can be transferred to you as a whole person and your immediate environment. The house offers points that represent and are connected to places in the body. By stimulating a specific place in your built environment, the professional knows how related areas in your life are affected.