Invitation to Freedom
The male resident, Mr. A., had become an instrument for his own near environment. At the height of his mattress was a knot with three inter-locked energies. -And he had fallen victim to it with diagnoses and operations related to the back and heart/lung system.
Mr. A. endured the situation for a long time, as he was strengthened by the energetic relationship between himself and his wife: His fire element is nourished by the wood element preferences of the bedroom.
“We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we used when we came up with them”,
A. Einstein
The point consisted of black stream frequencies 35 cm. above floor level that met a Curry entanglement. Both were held in place by bio-charged points that drained his body’s vital life energy when he was the most defenseless: every night, resting.
There are many variations and levels of life energy. Our purpose is to transform the vital life energy from the immediate environment in interaction with the vitality that is innate in Mr. A. to a nourishing vital energy.
The black stream is punctured outside the house, after which the 35 cm. level inside the house lowers. The Curry entanglement is anchored in a leyline placed in the nearby tree crowns.
The supply of energy to the knot has hence been redirected and easy breathing is now experienced by Mr. A. and his wife: an easy access to an abundant supply of vital life energy, resulting in an experience of freedom and lightness after an initial period of the fatigue due to restructuring: restructuring of the energy of the house and of Mr. A’s energy.
Mr. A.’s other immediate environment signals what his newfound freedom and ease invites to: To become himself unveiled: to strengthen one’s individuation process.
For that purpose, the heart of the house has moved at the same time as Mr. A.’s own personal consciousness point has come to light in the built environment. This is supported by an active mental harmony point that has moved into the same area and an emotional harmony point that shows up: Mr. A. has effortlessly accepted the invitation of his near environment.
The invitation is every day open to Mr. A. reminded by the light fixtures that already previously existed in the area of the activated consciousness points. The spotlights have been turned to illuminate his own individuation point and the point of joy of the place.
12-12-2023 I Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design© I SV37
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