Cash Flow
The cash-flow points appear by themselves. Testing is done to confirm each specific point.
After installing the bio-charged points, the house is conveying a compelling joy in the heart.
Ms. R’s ‘Present Cash Flow’ point is represented by a cascade of three blue tables. Subconsciously, they represent three accounts allowing money to flow to Ms. R.

Directly opposite is the ‘Future Cash Flow’ point in the form of a telescope’s ground touch: where the future from the stars shines directly onto the floor tiles.
Now the two points are connected, so that Ms. R’s ‘Future Cash Flow’ point feeds the ‘Present Cash Flow point’.
The installation of Cash Flow points is not a magic wand that ensures cash flow by itself. It is a planning letting the resources of the built environment activated to work for her.
The activation is a quiet and pleasant way to open her consciousness towards contributing with her talents. The near environment manifests the activation gradually to take full effect after 18-24 months if she continuously desires so.
It is an invitation to smoothly transform emotions on the scale of prosperity, to discover other ways of perceiving her talents and to act in accordance with her own free will via the influence of the environment, undisguised by misunderstandings and other psychological waste.
“The more people…the more the amount of psychological waste grows. Not only does the amount of pollution in each individual grow – in the form of physical blockages- but the amount of projected psychological waste also grows”,
Jes Bertelsen, Dr. Phil, An Essay on Inner Freedom
Scaling up the capacity of the built environment to transform psychological waste allows a pleasant growth capacity for the industry.
12-12-2023 I Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design© I HV10_2
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